
Some significant legislation sponsored or co-sponsored by Senator Poore during the 2014 session.

Attacks the issue of human trafficking by making human trafficking [defined as recruiting, harboring, receiving, isolating or enticing a person into sexual servitude] a Class C felony or a Class B felony if the victim is a minor.

  • Forced labor – using coercion to compel someone to provide services becomes a Class C or B felony;
  • Patronizing a victim of Sexual Servitude becomes a Class D felony or a Class C felony in the case of minor;
  • Develops fines and penalties for organizations involved in human trafficking and authorizes restitution for victims equal to a victim’s gross income and value of labor under the Fair Labor Standards Act;
  • Minors charged with prostitution may have the charges dropped if they comply with a treatment program;
  • Allows victims to file civil actions against human traffickers;
  • Establishes a Human Trafficking Coordinating Council to develop a plan to provide services for victims, coordinate efforts among agencies, departments and the courts, collect and evaluate data, create a public awareness campaign, coordinate victim services programs and prepare an annual report