Delaware Governor Jack Markell Endorses Nicole Poore

Governor Markell endorses Nicole Poore for Delaware State Senate

On Wednesday, July 25th, Delaware Governor Jack Markell met with Delaware State Senate Candidate Nicole Poore, her campaign team, and a house full of supporters to discuss the positive affects Nicole has made on her community as an advocate for quality education for Delawareans. Governor Markell also formally endorsed Nicole Poore for Delaware State Senator for the 12th District. “I have heard just amazing things about the campaign she’s running, said Markell. “Before I heard about the campaign she’s running, I heard amazing things about the candidate that she is.”

Governor Markell spoke before a large crowd of Nicole Poore supporters and dignitaries including State Representative Valerie Longhurst, State Senator Bethany Hall-Long, Candidate for County Council President Renee Taschner, and Business Representative for Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 Joe Schorah.

Also in attendance were various educators from the Colonial School District, together with many family, friends, District 12 neighbors, and volunteers from Nicole’s campaign. According to Markell, “It helps a lot when the teachers throughout the state and other school-based personnel have people in Dover who understand what they’re going through and who are willing to fight for them. And because of the life that Nicole lives and her passion for education, I know she will do exactly that.”

Nicole Poore’s campaign continues to gain momentum, and she’s ready for whatever it will take to win this race. “When I am in office I will absolutely hear what [educators] have to say,” Poore stated. “I will hear your voice, and I will make sure that I work diligently to get what you need and to make sure that I am expressing what’s happening at Leg hall down to the education world and vice versa.”.

Following Governor Markell’s visit with Nicole and her crowd of excited supporters, his campaign Twitter page tweeted to his followers: “I’m just lucky Nicole isn’t running for Governor! The momentum&determination behind Team @NicolePoore12 is amazing!”